Secure Data Management

Secure Data Management

A protected data management system provides a safeguarded environment in which data is handled and transmitted securely. The system can be used to deal with multiple types of data, including digital data, including images, textual content, video, and audio.

Embodiments of the present invention contain computer courses that carry out secure info management capabilities. The systems might be implemented in one or more computing devices, such as computers, tablets, smartphones, laptop computers, and the like.

In a few embodiments, the program includes a calculating device 102 that charms data, transmits it to a server equipment 104, and stores the knowledge in a recollection element associated with the processing device 102. As data is captured by the computing device 102, it is encrypted. This kind of encrypted info is placed on the web server device 104 and cannot be retrieved in unencrypted type.

For example , the info might be medical information, just like patient records. It could become biometric info, such as finger prints or iris information.

In addition , the calculating product 102 could possibly be equipped with a camera, mic, or different necessary pieces for confirmation of the data. If necessary, these pieces are configured to be remotely accessible to users with the computer method.

Once the info is protected and kept on the storage space device 104, it is usually decrypted using a cryptographic important that is kept on the original computing gadget 102. Following your data is certainly decrypted, the original computing system 102 may retrieve the decrypted data.

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